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How does the PTA support our school, teachers and students? 
Answer:  With your support! See everything we've done recently. 

**Picnic tables next to the 1st grade playground 

**Shade structure for picnic tables (coming Summer '24)

**School Assemblies including: Mad Science: Science of Toys; Wetlands Institute: Traveling Turtles; Run-off for Your Life; Beats, Rhymes and Life: National Circus Project; Rizzo's Wildlife

**School trips -Lizzy students take 2-3 field trips each year.  In the past, the PTA paid for the trip, and parents paid for transportation. This year, the PTA decided to fund the trips in their entirety.  These include the following trips:


  • 1st Grade Adventure Aquarium

  • 2nd Grade Philadelphia Zoo

  • 3rd Grade Churchville Nature Center

  • 3rd Grade Arden Theater

  • 4th Grade Museum of American Revolution

  • 4th Grade Ellis Island

  • 5th Grade YMCA of the Pines

  • 5th Grade Rowan University: Rick & Jean Edleman Planetarium

**New iPads

**Popsicles on the playground - Feel good family event for the first night of school! 

**Fall parent social - One family per grade hosts a social for parents to get a chance to meet the other parents in your child's grade. 

**Teacher wishlist - At the beginning of each school year, teachers have the option to ask for supplies to support their classrooms. These items range from alternative student seating, storage bins, extra clothes for the nurse's office, and the list goes on. 

**Teacher/staff conference meals - The Hospitality chair coordinates homemade meals from parent volunteers for our teachers who come in after hours for conferences (or live too far to leave and come back).  We also provide lunch for the half days when teachers go right into conferences from class. 

**Teacher/staff holiday breakfast and gift cards - A feel good event for teachers to end the first half of school as they get ready for a much deserved winter break.  Parents volunteer to make/bring breakfast meals for teachers to enjoy before the students come in. It's a warm, fun event in the APR where the teachers get together the last Friday before break.  Then they find Target gift cards in their mailbox at the end of the day.  The teachers are so appreciative of this event.  

**Day to day needs of teachers including:  graphic novels for 4th grade's American Revolution unit; purchase of winning books from literacy night; alternative seating for 2nd graders; reimbursements for book/app subscriptions; Read Across America items, etc. 

**School trips - Overall Lizzy students take ___ trips a year.  In the past, the PTA paid for the trip and parents paid for transportation. This year, the PTA decided to fund the trips in their entirety.  

**5th grade hoverboard project

**Teacher Appreciation Week - We truly love our teachers.  They're who we trust our kids with 7 hours a day and we do everything we can to show our appreciation.  Everyday of this week, we host a different themed day of treats and gifts - coffee cart, bundt cakes, EHS logo bags, etc. Culminating with our very much loved teacher luncheon hosted by one of our parent neighbors close to the school and parent volunteers contribute their time and effort for meals. 

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